Category Archives: Other Platform

One of the Finest iPad Apps Is No More – Thanks for the Update, Twitter

I know this is my vintage computing blog, but sometimes I need to stray off just a little. (That’s why I took pencil to the masthead logo a year or so ago…) Right now, I just need to vent my … Continue reading

Posted in Just Rambling, Other Platform | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

My First Printer. What Was Yours?

I was recently listening to a retro computing podcast (though I can’t recall which one it was) where daisywheel printers were being discussed. This, naturally, brought to mind the first printer I ever owned, a Smith Corona TP-I that I … Continue reading

Posted in Other Platform | 34 Comments

The iPod Turns 10 Years Old

Today is the iPod’s 10th birthday. On October 23, 2001, Steve Jobs took the stage at an Apple Special Event and unveiled to the world Apple’s take on the digital music player, and their entry into the consumer electronics world. … Continue reading

Posted in Just Rambling, Other Platform | 1 Comment

Andy Hertzfeld of Original Macintosh Team Designed Google+ Circle Editor

So, the big news of the week has been Google+, the search giant’s latest stab at the social network thing. I was lucky enough to get an invite early on and, I must say, I’m liking the service so far. … Continue reading

Posted in Just Rambling, Macintosh, Other Platform | 1 Comment

The iPhone 4 Rides a Kite

I am presently on vacation at the beach with the family. Bethany Beach, Delaware. Yesterday it was extremely windy and I flew my sort-of box kite that can only fly in high winds. And, then it occurred to me — … Continue reading

Posted in Just Rambling, Other Platform | 2 Comments

A Trove of Apple Promo Videos from the ’80s and ’90s

For a few years now I’ve been sitting on two DVDs full of Apple promotional videos that someone put together and auctioned on eBay. Happily, most of the content was new to me. The videos promote various Apple systems, primarily … Continue reading

Posted in Apple II, Handhelds, Macintosh, Other Platform | 22 Comments

Apple’s “Dynabook” Birthed the iPhone, It Turns Out…

Back in late January I posted my thoughts on the iPad and the change that it will bring. It was my last post, actually; I thought I’d let it sit out there on top for a while, in hopes that … Continue reading

Posted in Other Platform | Leave a comment

A Brick for Some Bytes: My First Hard Drive

The first hard disk I ever owned was a MiniScribe. It was a “hard card” arrangement from some mail order place with a shamrock / Irish themed magazine ad [UPDATE: apparently, Shamrock Computers]. The 30MB drive cost, I think, $350 … Continue reading

Posted in Other Platform | 9 Comments

Tempest and Jaguar and Nuon — Oh My!

I remember how great video games were when I was a kid. “Real” video games. I’m talking early ’80s. And I say “real” because, quite unlike the situation over the past 10 years, home computers and consoles were not anywhere … Continue reading

Posted in Atari, Gaming, Other Platform | 15 Comments

My New TRS-80 Model 4

In my last post, I mentioned that I had rearranged my basement computer room to make room for a new addition to the Byte Cellar. Well, my latest acquisition finally arrived: a TRS-80 Model 4, my first Tandy / Radio … Continue reading

Posted in Other Platform, Serial Terminal | 7 Comments