Category Archives: DOS / Win PC

Thinking Back on ‘Turbo Pascal’ as It Turns 40

November marked the 40th anniversary of Turbo Pascal, the first Integrated Development Environment (or IDE), which allowed a user to quickly and easily write a program in the Pascal programming language and see it compiled and linked — all in … Continue reading

Posted in Amiga, DOS / Win PC, Down Memory Lane, Just Rambling, Multi-Platform, Other Platform, Programming | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

A Look at the Short-Lived 3-Inch Compact Floppy Disk

I was recently listening to the latest episode of Retro Computing Roundtable podcast during which there was mention of a 3-inch floppy disk. No, not 3.5-inch, but 3-inch. These disks are known as Compact Floppy Disks (also “CF2”) and were … Continue reading

Posted in Apple II, Atari, DOS / Win PC, Multi-Platform, Tandy / TRS-80 | 8 Comments

My First Taste of CGA “Composite Color”

As a long-time Apple II users I am quite familiar with the technique of generating color video by way of NTSC “artifact color” (also sometimes referred to as “composite color”). The 8-bit Apple II series is incapable of outputting any … Continue reading

Posted in DOS / Win PC, Tandy / TRS-80 | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

My Skylake Gaming PC Build [Updated]

A month ago I shared my feelings about Hello Games’ space exploration game No Man’s Sky. (Spoiler: I loved it — and still do, about 150 hours in.) In the post I mentioned that parts were in the mail for … Continue reading

Posted in DOS / Win PC, Gaming, No Man's Sky | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Holiday Music Week III at r/Retrobattlestations

Once again the season is upon us, and that means it’s Holiday Music Week over at /r/Retrobattlestations. Holiday Music Week III, to be precise. While I fired up the Apple IIgs for a previous HMW, this year I’ve put the … Continue reading

Posted in DOS / Win PC, r/Retrobattlestations | 2 Comments

Behold: The 5×86 System Build Is Complete!

Back in November I became inspired by the knowledge that my favorite old school DOS MODplayer had “recently” received an update, and expressed my intention (part 1) to more-or-less recreate the 486-class DOS PC upon which I enjoyed many, many … Continue reading

Posted in DOS / Win PC | 21 Comments

DOS Box Build: Update #1

A few weeks back I wrote a post detailing my desire to build a 486-class DOS box. In the time since then, I’ve been actively digging parts out of my storage shelves and scanning eBay for the remaining, needed items. … Continue reading

Posted in DOS / Win PC | 13 Comments

Setting Out to Build a 486-Class DOS Box

[UPDATE: This turned into a three-part post, with a video of the build process at the end. So, read on!] This is a quick post to lay out the plan for a retro project that has recently struck me and … Continue reading

Posted in DOS / Win PC | 8 Comments

Chips & Technologies’ WINGINE Graphics Subsystem

I’ve gone through a lot of computers since I got my first for Christmas in 1982 (age 10). A few were PCs. Of the PCs I’ve owned, one had a particularly interesting feature that I’ll wager no one reading this … Continue reading

Posted in DOS / Win PC, NeXT | 3 Comments