Category Archives: Handhelds

“MuffinTerm”: A Great New Terminal App for BBSing on iPhone, iPad, and Mac

Readers can find quite a few posts on this blog about my enjoyment of modern-day BBSing — “dialing in” to online Bulletin Board Systems that can still be found out there on the net. I consider BBSing to be a … Continue reading

Posted in BBS, Handhelds, iOS, Macintosh | 7 Comments

Handheld Gaming on a Snowy Day

The recent winter storm in the D.C. area left us snowed in for a couple of days last week, and when I wasn’t romping around in the white stuff with my daughter or otherwise enjoying the family, I spent some … Continue reading

Posted in Gaming, Handhelds | Leave a comment

The iOS Family Pile (2015)

It may be that I need help. Here’s the breakdown: Earlier piles: 2012, 2010

Posted in Handhelds, Just Rambling | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

My “Portable Week” Offering to /r/RetroBattlestations

Another week, another competition over at Reddit’s /r/RetroBattlestations. This week was Portable Week. The challenge was on the easy side this time around: display a message of greeting to the subreddit on the screen of a portable retro battlestation. Now, … Continue reading

Posted in Handhelds, r/Retrobattlestations | 2 Comments

It Occurred to Me That a Lot Has Changed in Mobile Computing over the Last Fifteen Years

This past weekend my wife and I headed down to Charlottesville, VA for the night, to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary. When we met, she was half-way through law school at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville and I soon … Continue reading

Posted in Handhelds, Just Rambling | 6 Comments

A Trove of Apple Promo Videos from the ’80s and ’90s

For a few years now I’ve been sitting on two DVDs full of Apple promotional videos that someone put together and auctioned on eBay. Happily, most of the content was new to me. The videos promote various Apple systems, primarily … Continue reading

Posted in Apple II, Handhelds, Macintosh, Other Platform | 22 Comments

‘ActiveGS’ for iOS: Boundless Mobile Apple II Goodness

Last week I wrote a post about FTA’s recent iOS release Active GS – Best of FTA [App Store]. (I wrote one for TouchArcade too, actually.) The app is a collection of Apple IIgs demoscene productions from FTA and associated … Continue reading

Posted in Apple II, Handhelds | 1 Comment

iPad 2 Launch Day at the Apple Store in Clarendon, VA

Yesterday was iPad 2 launch day and, of course, I was there to grab Apple’s most powerful iOS device by far. I got about 2 hours of sleep last night, as I just couldn’t put the thing down. I’ll post … Continue reading

Posted in Handhelds | 1 Comment

FTA Releases Apple IIgs Emulator in the iOS App Store

Long-time readers may be aware of the fact that I’ve long been a big fan of the demoscene. I saw my first true demoscene production (or “demo”) the night I received my mail order Amiga 2000 back in 1989. I … Continue reading

Posted in Apple II, Handhelds | 3 Comments

Of a Dancing Baby and a Pocket Reference

Just a quick one here. I dug out my Apple Newton MessagePad 2100 the other night to take a video to share around of the Dancing Baby app put together by Arnold Kim (of back in 1997 or so. … Continue reading

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