Remembering the Opening of the First Apple Store, 15 Years Later

Tysons Corner Apple Store Opening

Yesterday marked the 15th anniversary of the opening of the first Apple retail stores, one at Tysons Corner Center in McLean, Virginia and one at the Glendale Galleria in Glendale, California. Together the stores saw nearly 8,000 people and $600,000 in sales during their opening weekend.

The Tysons Corner store was the first to open (VA is three hours ahead of CA), and my wife and I attended the event. With my trusty Apple QuickTake 200 digital camera in hand, I waited in line for an hour and fifteen, captured a gallery of (low resolution) photos of the opening, purchased a semi-translucent blue and white Epson printer (which nicely matched my G3), and headed home to write up the event for

My write up is still online at MacRumors (here), but is more readable as captured by Internet Archive (here), with the full post “Read More…” (here).

By the end of 2001, Apple opened 25 more stores within the U.S., and here 15 years later, there are presently 478 retail stores worldwide, across 17 countries (268 of them are within the U.S.). Apple Stores are a huge success and contributed in no small part to moving Apple from “beleaguered” to “most valuable company on earth.” On the opening day, however, there were plenty of doubters.

Bloomberg ran a piece on May 21, 2001, entitled Commentary: Sorry, Steve: Here’s Why Apple Stores Won’t Work. Within, various sources prognosticated failure and doom for Apple’s excursion into retail.

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Posted in Apple, Down Memory Lane, Just Rambling, News | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments

The ‘Real Genius’-Inspired BBS Challenge

Regular readers will have noticed that I have frequently joined in on the fun of r/Retrobattlestations‘ weekly and monthly retro challenges. I’ve done so with such frequency that I recently had to create an r/Retrobattlestations post category on this blog. These competitions, setup by /u/FozzTexx, generally involve firing up various types of retro computing hardware for a photo or maybe completing a programming challenge, the winners receiving a set of retro computing stickers and sometimes Reddit gold.


Recently, things have gotten even more interesting. Back in March there was a challenge that involved dialing into a BBS using an actual telephone modem. The prize was an amazing looking WarGames multi-layer vinyl sticker crafted by Chris Osborn (@FozzTexx) himself. More recently there was a challenge that required a bit of sleuthing, in which Chris posted a video, inspired by the film Real Genius, containing a certain clue that led to a series of actions that may or may not have resulted in your correctly reporting the number of Frito Lay entries Lazlo Hollyfeld submitted to win the grand prize collection. I jumped down the rabbit hole on this one and made it through to the other side. I got the sticker, and the above photo shows the outside door to my basement “Byte Cellar” decorated with FozzTexx’s lovely multi-layer vinyl stickers.

I’d encourage anyone reading this post to come by r/Retrobattlestations and see what’s going on. It’s a rather fun little, nicely dusty, corner of the ‘net.

Visit a gallery of all my r/Retrobattlestations entry photos. A complete list, with links, of the fun I've had with challenges in that subreddit over the years can be seen below. Good times!

Posted in BBS, r/Retrobattlestations | 1 Comment

KFest Funk Gonna Give It To Ya!

I get closer and closer to attending KansasFest every year. All the after-reports I hear on the various retrocomputing podcasts I listen to confirm it’s the ultimate blast for a hardcore Apple II fan.

I was talking about it with my wife the other night, when my 10 year old daughter asked me what it was like. She asked if the people there are the same “old men that just like to talk about old computers all the time, like you,” that read this blog. This comment made me wonder whether or not she had a handle on just how cool an event KansasFest is and, by extension, those in attendance. So, I did a quick YouTube search to try and find some footage that would set her straight. Right away I found just the thing.

As soon as it began, she seemed to be utterly in awe. During the entire video she was uttering “Oh my god. Dad! Oh my god!” Overwhelmed, just two thirds of the way into it she powered the iPad off. After a moment, I asked her if she now understood that KansasFest is the coolest of gatherings. She just looked at me, apparently unable to express the strong degree to which she indeed understood.

We haven’t talked more about it as yet, but if I do attend for the first time next year, I think I know someone who’s going to be begging her dad to bring her along!

Relevant Link:

Posted in Apple II, Just Rambling | 3 Comments

Computers Are Funny (Or Were…)

I have started a new photo microblog of sorts over at Tumblr, and if you’re reading this site, you may find it of interest. It’s called Computers Are Funny, and I thought I would give readers a quick heads-up. From the new site:

During the ’70s and ’80s computers were new and novel. This prompted many computer magazines of the day to include a comic here and there in their issues to poke fun at / help diffuse the cryptic, even daunting, nature of early computers. This site is an effort to get those little (sometimes painful) gems in front of eyes that may have missed them the first time around.

I have so many different periodicals of that era sitting on my shelves that I thought it would be a fun and perhaps worthwhile effort to snap a few photos as I’m leafing through them, to share with the internet.


(Bonus points if you can tell me who the cartoon avatar is, at the top of the page!)

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The French Touch Releases “Pure Noise” Music Disk for Apple IIe + Mockingboard

The French Touch is at it again. Grouik of The French Touch has just contacted me to let me know about the Apple II demo / hacking group’s latest production, Pure Noise, a music disk for the 128K Apple IIe. It requires a Mockingboard sound card and takes full advantage of all 6 channels across its pair of AY-3-8910 sound chips. The disk boots into a colorful graphical player complete with channel and spectrum bars that dance to the stereo playback the included tracks.

I can confirm that the Pure Noise sounds even better on an actual Apple IIe with Mockingboard than in the sample video, below. It’s a most impressive feat for a 1MHz 8-bit computer.

Last year the group wowed retro computing fans with their chiptune music disk, (NOT SO) Cheap Tunes, which I covered back in September. It had been decades since we last saw any program set Sweet Micro System’s Mockingboard to singing, when The French Touch released a disk of Atari ST chiptunes along with a player that played those 3-voice tracks in stereo on the Mockingboard. (The Atari ST, which has mono sound output, features a single 3-voice Yamaha YM2149F, a variant of the AY-3-8910 that was used in many home computers and consoles during the ’80s and ’90s, Mockingboardas well as in the Mockingboard; it has two of them.) Grouik informs me that the tracks included with Pure Noise take full advantage of the Mockingboard hardware, using its 6 audio channels to playback distinct sounds, beyond what was achieved in the earlier music disk.

Over the past few years The French Touch has released a number of Apple II scenedemos, utilities, game patches, and the like. Among the more popular computer systems of the early ’80s, the 8-bit Apple II has probably been the single most neglected in terms of demos coded for it. As someone who is a huge fan of the demoscene, it’s been great finally seeing the 8-bit II really show its stuff in this area. And all of the group’s releases since that first music disk — Plasmagoria, Raster Bars, and Crazy Cycles 2 — have featured excellent audio played through the Mockingboard.

Disk images for all of The French Touch’s releases, along with more information on each, can be found here (English (Google) translation).

Hats off, guys. Please keep the demos coming!

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As My Daughter Turns Ten, A Look at the Technology Then and Now

Rory_chromebookOn May 3rd, my daughter turned 10 years old. This is something that is nearly impossible for me to actually believe, given how rapidly the decade has flown by. It really does feel like she was born yesterday. (Or last week, anyway.) I could ramble long on this feeling, but it would be difficult for readers to endure, I think. At any rate, at this milestone I am feeling very proud of the person that she has become, while also feeling fairly old. And reflective.

In reflecting upon these past ten years, I thought back to where I was in the world at the age of 10, and the retrocomputing geek within me began to compare the present day to day routine of my daughter, Rory, to my own routine 24 years ago, with an eye towards the state of technology. So, I thought I’d write a little about it, in an admittedly not-so-focused fashion.

When I turned 10 in May 1982 I was just finishing the fourth grade (as she is). School days involved textbooks, worksheets, notebooks (picking the right Trapper Keeper was crucial), and pencils (we weren’t allowed to use pens yet). There was a big black slate chalk board at the front of the room and occasionally the cherished TV cart would be wheeled in so that we could watch an educational videotape. Classwork and homework were done in our notebooks, worksheets filed away in the side pockets. After getting home from school I TV cartwould sit down on the living room floor, in front of our aged 20-inch color TV, and play a few rounds of PAC-MAN, Demon Attack, and Pitfall on my Atari VCS. I might ride my bike along the gravel lane where we lived and maybe play on our beach or out on the pier.

I was, then, seven months away from owning my first home computer, a Christmas gift, which would turn out to be a 3MHz TI-99/4A featuring a 256×192-pixel display with 16 colors onscreen and 16K (Kilobytes) of RAM, which cost $300 (it was over $1,000 when it originally launched). The only storage available to me was by way of cassette tape.

Seeing any sort of computer anywhere around town at that time was a rare thing and an occurrence of which I always took particular note.

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Posted in Just Rambling, Other Platform, TI-99 | 6 Comments

Help Support the new Retrocomputing Stack Exchange Q&A Site

stack_exchange_pixellatedI am a developer and, as such, I use Stack Overflow as a resource quite often. Its great overall format really cuts to the chase as far as getting an issue resolved. Stack Exchange hosts a number of other interesting and useful question-and-answer sites across a range of topics, as well. I wanted to let folks know that there is a new Stack Exchange site that should be of particular interest to anyone reading this post.

Retrocomputing is a new Q&A site about computers of olde, of all makes and models. The site is currently in beta, and off to a good start, but its survival within the Stack Exchange network depends upon the size of its audience during the beta period. If you appreciate the format of these sites, as well as a great new resource for those of us who like to compute like it was 1985, then head over to Retrocomputing and become part of the community.


(As mentioned, the site is in beta currently, so upon first visit you will need to click on the presented “Area 51” link and proceed from there in order to actually get to the Retrocomputing website.)

Posted in Multi-Platform, News | 1 Comment

My Lisa, All Fired Up for “Apple Month” at r/Retrobattlestations


April was Apple Month at r/Retrobattlestations, so I fired up my Lisa 2/10 to give the shout out and enter the contest for u/Foxxtexx‘s lovely retro vinyl stickers.

She’s a lovely girl, isn’t she?

Visit a gallery of all my r/Retrobattlestations entry photos. A complete list, with links, of the fun I've had with challenges in that subreddit over the years can be seen below. Good times!

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It Was Always The “Amiga 1000”

Amiga_Logo_1985.svgI have written a number of posts over the years about the Amiga 1000 computer, the first model in the Amiga line, which was released by Commodore in late 1985. I purchased my first Amiga 1000 in October 1985 from Chaney Computer in Newport News, VA (and I have reason to believe it was the first Amiga sold in the state).

When I got home that day with this computer that seemed to actually be magical (it’s hard to convey how dramatically more capable in all regards the Amiga 1000 was than all other computers of the day), I quickly unpacked it, set it up on my desk, and threw the box in the closet. I spent the next several days sitting in front of that computer, having my mind blown time and again by the graphics, the sound, and the multitasking. School (8th grade) was agony at the time, keeping me away from that amazing machine for most of the day. I remember those days vividly.

About a week after bringing the system home, I opened up my closet and pulled out the box to read over it. That’s when I saw something that surprised me. In small text on the side of the box the Amiga was referred to as the “Amiga 1000.” I had read (and re-read) several magazines covering the Amiga in my anticipation of its release, and nowhere had I seen the computer referred to with a model number. I remember then wondering how long it would be before another model of the Amiga was released; the “1000” made the Amiga seem more of a line of computers rather than a one-off. And, of course, Amiga was a line, with the 500 and 2000 replacing the 1000 in 1987 as the first expansion of said line.

Amiga 1000 box side

The reason I am laying all of this out in a post is that I’ve seen it explained, in a number of places on the internet detailing Amiga history, that in 1985 the “Amiga” computer was released and in 1987 when the Amiga 500 and 2000 came to market, Commodore then dubbed the original machine “Amiga 1000.” Several recent articles marking the Amiga’s 30th birthday propagate this fallacy further. But fallacy, it is! I remember reading the text on that box back in late 1985.

Commodore certainly did not emphasize (or even mention?) the model number in early advertising and promo media, and the periodicals of the day likewise referred to the computer as simply the “Amiga.” However, despite the fact that only two small blocks of text on the side of the box identify the model number, the original Amiga was clearly the “Amiga 1000” from the get-go. And, thanks to a few photos that @freakin_frankie posted of his recent Amiga 1000 (in original box) acquisition, I can share the proof with any doubters out there. (I have searched on numerous occasions but never found a photo of the side of the box!)

I believe the Amiga to be the platform that I have most enjoyed throughout the decades that I’ve been an avid computing hobbyist, and that oft-repeated bit of misinformation has long been stuck in my craw. I suppose it’s because I was there, so to speak, from day one.

So, now you know.

Posted in Amiga, Down Memory Lane | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments

An Interview with CMUCC Members Behind the Apple Lisa’s First Scenedemo, “Le Requiem de Lisa”

Being a long time demoscene enthusiast, I try to keep an eye on new productions that land at the various competitions held throughout the year. Back in 2011 I saw the release of a rather unusual scenedemo — a demo written for the Apple Lisa. It is called Le Requiem de Lisa by CMUCC (the Carnegie Mellon Computer Club) and is the only demo that had ever been written for Apple’s long-abandoned, first MC68000-based platform. Le Requiem de Lisa won 1st place at the Pixel Jam 2011 demo competition (category: “oldskool demo”) and through an odd coincidence I found myself interviewing two of the group members behind the demo, shortly after its release.

After seeing the demo for the first time I headed into my regular IRC hangout, #macintosh on DALnet, and asked the denizens if they’d seen this one yet. One of the regulars, Lincoln Roop (handle “ClarusWorks”) whom I had known online for several years, began giving me a surprising amount of detail about the demo. As it turned out, he was a hardware guy on the project, a member of CMUCC.

Lincoln was up for a few questions about his group’s Lisa demo to be shared here on Byte Cellar, so I fired away. A tidied up version of our IRC interview follows. I regret having sat on this dialog for just over four years now, but better late than never.
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