The Apple //c Comes Home

Long-time readers may recall that a few years ago I picked up a used Apple //c in excellent condition from eBay…and didn’t really have any place to put, here in my real-world Byte Cellar. So, I took it to my office in DC and set it up there. And there it’s lived for five years, getting frequent use as a serial terminal to the various Macs I’ve used at the day job.

Recently I’ve had to bring the //c back home from the office (much more on that, shortly…). But, in those five years, the Byte Cellar has only gotten more crowded with lovely vintage systems — there’s less space than ever in here, right now.

So, whatever would become of this poor little Apple //c?

Well, I’ve lately been trying to organize this basement computer room to make the most of the space available, and that’s meant repurposing some of the 24 cells that make up the far wall of the room (courtesy of IKEA) in order to add more books to the Byte Cellar “library.” As I was about to load up the last open cell with books, it occurred to me that just maybe the diminutive //c system could be wedged in there. I grabbed the //c, crossed my fingers, and — voila! It fit, monitor and all!

The only problem was, the Apple //c has its primary floppy drive built into the side of the unit. Once wired up, there would be no practical way to get to that drive in order to switch disks. I recalled hearing that it was possible to boot a //c from a floppy drive tied to its external floppy port — and it is, for early firmware units — but it’s a kludge and most software will fail to run this way.

In order for the //c to actually be usable, as I like all the machines in the Byte Cellar to be, I had to be able to easily switch disks. So, I decided to disconnect the internal floppy drive and wire in a half-height, Apple IIe-style, 20-pin floppy drive to the //c’s motherboard connector, allowing it to sit in the next cube over and function as the machine’s boot drive. I grabbed a drive of the right sort from eBay, and after a few minutes of fiddling with the //c’s internal bits and drilling through the lovely birch veneered particle board of the IKEA BONDE shelf system, I was in business! Everything boots like a charm from that external floppy drive.

Granted, the Apple //c system probably won’t be getting a huge workout here at home, as I’ve got a rather heavily expanded Apple IIe and IIgs elsewhere in the room. (How many Apple II’s do you need in one room?) But, I’ve become rather attached to the system, having spent much time enjoyably using it as an IRC terminal in the office, daily. And, after all, the //c was my very first Apple.

Yea, I definitely think this little Apple //c is worth a cell in the bookshelf.

Posted in Apple II | 7 Comments

‘Ultima V’ on the Passport: Amazing Audio from an Apple II

So, Ultima IV is one of my favorite games of all time. I never actually made it to the end, mind you, but it is wonderfully immersive for a game that was written on a 1MHz machine and released in 1985. And I love it. I played it — and still do, from time to time — on an Apple IIe, the original platform on which Lord British (aka Richard Garriott) wrote it, in 6502 assembly language.

One of the wonderful things about the game was its support for the Mockingboard soundcard, which is an Apple II add-on sporting two General Instruments AY-3-8913 soundchips, delivering six voices and two noise generators. (It’s the soundchip used in the Atari ST, Amstrad CPC, and ZX Spectrum 128, more or less.) In fact, some of the Ultimas supported two Mockingboards for 12 channel audio!

Now, Ultima on the Mockingboard sounds pretty wonderful, but I recently ran across a video that shows Ultima V (the next installment in the series) running on an Apple II equipped with the Passport wavetable MIDI card. Actually, it’s a two-card combo. And the results are almost certainly the best-sounding audio I’ve ever hear coming out of a II — and that’s including the IIgs.

The Ultima V music is wonderful on the Mockingboard, on the C64 version’s SID chip, and on AdLib for the PC. But they don’t compare to what the Passport on the Apple II delivers. I thought I’d share this one, as certainly I’m not the only Apple II devotee that will be amazed by the quality of this audio.

UPDATE 6/9/2013: Hmm… It seems there is some question regarding the Passport card, which is a MIDI card, vs. the earlier Mountain Computer MusicSystem, which is the two-card rig I speak of. A recent comment has called into question whether the sound in the video, which was explained as overlaid onto the video up-front, could have been generated through the Passport MIDI interface as supported by Ultima V… Anyone more in the know than I care to comment on this?

Posted in Apple II | 10 Comments

‘Virus’ vs. ‘Zarch’ — A Look at Two Braben Classics

I’ve long considered Virus one of my very favorite videogames. Developed by David Braben (whose latest is Kinectimals) and published for the Amiga, Atari ST, and PC in 1988 by Firebird, Virus was one of the first filled-vector 3D games ever made.

Virus puts you in control of a flying craft with the goal of defending Earth from an invading alien force that is spreading a deadly virus throughout the planet. Your craft, armed with cannons and missiles, flies over the varied landscape — all rendered in impressive (for the time) 3D — seeking out and destroying the various types of enemy ships. The experiencing of piloting your craft has something of a low-gravity, Lunar Lander-like feel to it. Points are gained at the end of each round of play for the percentage of uninfected land on the level map.

The controls in Virus are particularly interesting. The core control system is mouse-based and would be quite difficult to describe in words. When I first tried the game on my Amiga 2000 in the late ’80s, it felt like the mouse controls must be broken, and I quickly gave up on them and switched to the backup, mediocre keyboard-based controls. But, it was after seeing how the controls were being so highly praised on FidoNET that I sat down, determined to figure it all out. And figure them out, I did, only to discover a highly sensitive and amazing control system that delivers almost eerily precise control of your craft. It just takes some time to learn.

A few years after discovering Virus, I came to understand that it is an adaptation of Braben’s Zarch, released a year earlier for the Acorn Archimedes, a distinctly British RISC-based platform rather more powerful than the more mainstream machines for which the dialed-down Virus was released. In fact, a sort-of “light” version of Zarch called Lander came bundled with the Archimedes to show off it’s capabilities. (Incidentally, the Archimedes is the machine for which Acorn created the ARM RISC architecture that lives on today in the heart of the iPhone, the iPad, and many other electronic devices. It is presently the most widely used 32-bit processor architecture in the world.)

When I learned about Zarch, I searched, found, and purchased an Acorn Archimedes A5000 from a collector in Florida, so that I could experience the game in its best form, first hand. With a little splicing and jiggering and a battery fix, I got the machine up and running. It’s quite a system, but there are certainly very few of them drawing power here in the States.

Once I had Zarch loaded, it was plainly apparent that it offers the superior gameplay experience. Not only does it run at a higher resolution and in 256 colors (versus 16 for Virus), but it features a much higher framerate and more sophisticated lighting and shading effects than the latter release. But, all that said, Virus is still an excellent game (and a good bit easier to track down than it’s forebear) that I’d encourage everyone reading this to seek out.

In order to illustrate the differences between the two releases, I’ve captured a video of both games running side-by-side in emulators under Windows 7 on my quad-Athlon box. Virus is running in STeem Engine (emulating an 8MHz, 16-bit 68000) while Zarch is running under Arculator (emulating an 8MHz, 32-bit ARM2).

A rather notable difference there! I think we yanks missed out on some real computing goodness with the lack of any real Acorn presence in the States, back in the day. But then, luckily, emulation brings the opportunity to form a late acquaintance with the platform. And, if we’re lucky, perhaps Braben’s Frontier Developments will bring a version to the masses through, oh…say, iOS. It sure looks good running on the iPhone under Amiga emulation…

Now, go and track one of these classics down and see what you’ve been missing.

Posted in Acorn | 15 Comments

Merry Christmas, Retro Computing Friends

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everybody! Yes, I’m still pretty much alive, folks (as anyone who follows me on Twitter might realize). Things have been slow here because of, well, Twitter and its role as an outlet as regards my curious projects of late, but also because of a ridiculous amount of comment spam and other site attacks that have forced me to temporarily disable comments while I figure out a plan. Good times, eh?

Anyhow, I wanted to say “Merry Christmas” this year by way of a 1985 Atari ST demo / slideshow that I used to enjoy on my Atari 520ST during the holidays. It was released by Audio Light (the folks behind The Music Studio) in 1985 and, while not a technical tour-de-force, is somewhat heartwarming.

I hope you enjoy and I promise to step things up in the new year.

Posted in Just Rambling | 12 Comments

Apple’s “Dynabook” Birthed the iPhone, It Turns Out…

Back in late January I posted my thoughts on the iPad and the change that it will bring. It was my last post, actually; I thought I’d let it sit out there on top for a while, in hopes that a few eyes might find it. I’ve since gotten my own iPad, of course, and my feelings about the significance of the device have only grown stronger. But, that’s not what this post is about. No, I’ll share some of my own iPad adventures soon enough, but right now I want to connect a piece of that last post with certain comments recently made by Steve Jobs as he shared some of his thoughts in a chat with Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher at the D: All Things Digital conference.

A main theme of my last piece dealt with the Dynabook, Alan Kay’s vision of a truly personal computer — a tablet that would function as a person’s true assistant. At the unveiling of the iPhone during the Macworld 2007 keynote (which I’m lucky enough to have attended), visionary Jobs approached visionary Kay and asked what he thought of Apple’s new device.

When the Mac first came out, Newsweek asked me what I [thought] of it. I said: Well, it’s the first personal computer worth criticizing. So at the end of the [iPhone] presentation, Steve came up to me and said: Is the iPhone worth criticizing? And I said: Make the screen five inches by eight inches, and you’ll rule the world.

In his recent chat with Uncle Walt at D:, Jobs revealed that it was actually the notion of a tablet that got the multitouch / iPhone OS ball rolling.

Walt: So when you built this OS, you did it in a phone. Why? Why not a tablet first.

Steve: I’ll tell you. Actually. It started on a tablet first.

Steve: I had this idea about having a glass display, a multitouch display you could type on. I asked our people about it. And six months later they came back with this amazing display. And I gave it to one of our really brilliant UI guys. He then got inertial scrolling working and some other things, and I thought, ‘my god, we can build a phone with this’ and we put the tablet aside, and we went to work on the phone.

When I saw this, it just hit me just how hard it must have been for Steve Jobs to keep mum about the tablet-oriented genesis of the iPhone project upon hearing Alan Kay’s reaction to the device.

It’s rather interesting how this industry works — and things are getting more interesting by the moment. Right now we’re in one of the most pivotal moments of change since the invention of the microprocessor. Take a look around, folks, and don’t miss it…

Posted in Other Platform | Leave a comment

Apple’s iPad: The Dynabook, And The Future Of Computing, Has Arrived

Look closely. The device you see above is the future of computing. And I guarantee it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010. A day to remember. That is the day that Apple CEO Steve Jobs took the stage at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco and showed the iPad to the world for the first time. A man who has the prescience of vision to sense when he’s about to make a dent in the universe, Jobs chose a center for the arts as the venue for the iPad’s unveiling. A telling choice. You see, it turns out that the arrival of forces which will affect paradigm shifts in the way we live our lives seem to have a knack for entering the world through houses of the arts. So it was at the Flint Center for the Performing Arts on January 24, 1984 when Steve Jobs unveiled the Macintosh [ video ], completely changing the interface between man and machine, turning computers from cold command lines into approachable assistants for everyone. Many in the tech industry consider that date to be the most important in Apple’s history — the day upon which Apple made its biggest contribution to the world.

I am writing here today to posit that what Apple gave to the world over 25 years ago doesn’t compare to what took place just four days ago at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. Wednesday, January 27, 2010. Apple’s single most brilliant moment. That is the day that everything changed, whether or not the world yet realizes it.

In 1968 a man called Alan Kay shared his vision of a personal computer of a tablet form-factor that was meant to be a true assistant. Easy to use and friendly for children, his “Dynabook” would feature a graphical user interface (which, at the time, did not yet exist) and would be nothing like any computer of the day. Shortly thereafter, when Xerox PARC came to be, Kay was given the opportunity to pursue his vision. To these ends he created an object oriented programming language (coining the term) called Smalltalk (which happens to be the basis of Objective-C, the native programming language of Apple’s Mac OS X) as well as the graphical user interface, which could first be seen on the Xerox Alto in 1973.

Xerox PARC was perhaps the worlds most glorious research lab at the time, with much more of an academic than a corporate atmosphere. And, while many landmark technologies that shaped the world were created there, Xerox the corporation was not particularly interested and/or effective in bringing them to market. In December 1979 Steve Jobs famously visited PARC and, noting the obvious rightness of what was shown on the Alto, labored to bring the technology to the masses. This came first through the Apple Lisa and then through the Macintosh, which was the first personal computer with a graphical user interface targeting consumers.

At the time of the Macintosh’s introduction, I recall reading a great many pundits denouncing the GUI as a gimmick, a toy. These people scoffed at the experience of using the Macintosh as an exercise in dragging around pretty pictures as opposed to getting real work done. Well, we see how that turned out, in the end. When is the last time you bought a computer that booted up to a command line?

Was it the Dynabook? Well, it was close on a number of counts. But the interface, for all its friendliness, was still less than ideal, as the late Jef Raskin, interface guru and initial head of the Macintosh project, would note.

Flash forward 23 years and Steve Jobs takes the stage once again, this time to unveil the iPhone, a communications device like no other, featuring a revolutionary multitouch display. (I was in the audience on that memorable day, as was Alan Kay.) Its intuitive interface and overall collection of technologies set it far apart from its “rivals.” And, thanks to its rich, freely available development environment along with an excellent application distribution model built on Apple’s long-running iTunes network, it’s nearly impossible to walk down the street without seeing someone fingering that multitouch interface. It really is a game-changing device.

But it’s quite small.

The diminutive size of the iPhone and its screen, while making it the ultimate app phone, locks it in a different realm than a user’s “real” computer. Of the iPhone, Dynabook visionary Alan Kay said,

When the Mac first came out, Newsweek asked me what I [thought] of it. I said: Well, it’s the first personal computer worth criticizing. So at the end of the [iPhone] presentation, Steve came up to me and said: Is the iPhone worth criticizing? And I said: Make the screen five inches by eight inches, and you’ll rule the world.

For the sorts of applications that people run on their laptop or desktop, the iPhone’s small screen is a prison. Oh, how nice it would be to have that multitouch interface on a full-sized device. After all, we were all wowed by Microsoft Surface, weren’t we? But that’s more or less a tech demo. It’s a table with a projector inside and it costs over $12,000.

And, so, this past Wednesday Steve Jobs showed us something new. “This will be the most important thing I’ve ever done,” says Jobs of Apple’s new offering. It’s not an app phone. It’s not a laptop. It’s something in between, he tells us. But what it really is is a consumer-priced, full-sized multi-touch platform that is open to a massive audience of developers. Arnold Kim of MacRumors, who shares the sentiment, points to iPhone developer Joe Hewitt, author of the popular Facebook app, who gave up on the App Store. The prospects of the iPad, however, have Hewitt quite excited.

iPad is an incredible opportunity for developers to re-imagine every single category of desktop and web software there is. Seriously, if you’re a developer and you’re not thinking about how your app could work better on the iPad and its descendants, you deserve to get left behind.

Steven Frank, co-founder of Panic and a long-time Newton aficionado says that the iPad (as well as the iPhone) represent the New World of computing. This, opposed to the Old World of computing, which is made up primarily of Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. The Old World is one of dealing with a cluttered filesystem, multitasking (at the cost of performance and stability), and of the age-old desktop metaphor. The New World of computing, as Frank tells it, is one that is task-centric (which was Jef Raskin’s idea of the UI Holy Grail). Pesky details like files are more or less hidden. It involves direct — literally hands on — manipulation of data. It brings with it stability and an ease of use so great that any child or elderly newbie can use it without a manual. As Frank tells it, the days of Old World computing are numbered. And he’s absolutely correct.

Of this past Wednesday, Frank says

In that really incredibly short space of time we’ve gone from punchcards-and-printers to interactive terminals with command lines to window-and-mouse interfaces, each a paradigm shift unto themselves. A lot of thoughtful people, many of whom are bloggers, look at this history and say, “Look at this march of progress! Surely the desktop + windows + mouse interface can’t be the end of the road? What’s next?”

Then “next” arrived and it was so unrecognizable to most of them (myself included) that we looked at it said, “What in the shit is this?”

You probably can’t feel it yet. I didn’t really feel it until about 3:30am this morning, when it hit me. The iPad is cheap and elegant and promises to bring all that is good about the iPod touch — and so much more — to the user. You will buy one. It will be fun to look at pictures by swiping about, to watch high quality video on the go, to browse the web in a portrait orientation while sitting on the couch sipping coffee. And maybe you’ll spend all of $9.99 on Apple’s Pages, or maybe Keynote (thanks App Store, for the new application pricing paradigm). And maybe a couple of the five productivity apps that OmniGroup just announced. And maybe the amazing paint application Brushes. And, of course, a Facebook client and a Twitter client and an AIM client. And perhaps Quicken to help with taxes — oh wait — that’s already web-based — no sweat. And perhaps…

And perhaps you will realize that you really don’t have a reason to fire up your laptop or desktop computer any longer. Perhaps, without even noticing it happen, you will find yourself standing firmly in the New World of computing.

Does that seem a bit much? Stop for a moment and ask yourself what it is that you need to accomplish on your current computer that cannot, with the quick and inevitable evolution of apps for this New World device once it hits market, be accomplished on Apple’s new platform. For most users, there’s not much — if anything. Under typical use, you will bring your iPad anywhere you like, carrying out this task or that, using the onscreen keyboard when needed. And then in “serious mode,” you will belly up to a desk and dock the device to a keyboard, an iPad accessory the importance of which can’t be overstated, for it’s the keyboard that allows the device to fully replace your general purpose computer. I am no typical user, certainly. But all I need out of a computer that won’t almost instantly be available for the iPad is Photoshop and iMovie. But, surely, in time, these apps will come.

And, of course, as with the iPhone, the entire industry will scramble to follow Apple’s lead, casting aside the existing lot of “tablet PCs” with their wholly inappropriate desktop metaphors. It’s certainly unenviable straits in which all other PC makers will find themselves, without the well-entrenched iTunes network that is already trusted by millions of users, their credit card information safely tucked away in Apple’s servers. Obviously Google with Android will have the best chance of competing but, well…have you spent any time with an Android device?

Now, of course there are naysayers out there, and a great many of them in fact, just as there were with the original Macintosh, the iPod, and the iPhone. But, they won’t be saying “nay” for long. I will go out on a limb right now — and I don’t think I’m going all that far out there on this one — and say that in five years, the “computer user” who calls Apple their brand of choice will be using an evolution of the iPad and not a Macintosh. Oh, the Mac will certainly stick around for quite some time, but the transition has begun. I agree with Steven Frank’s sentiment that, although Apple is calling the iPad a “third category” of device, they’re just doing so in order not to scare us by too clearly underscoring the change that they have wrought and will soon be deploying into the world. The iPad represents the future of computing and Apple knows it. I realized this at 3:30am this morning and, soon, the skeptics reading this post will come to realize it, as well.

The future is here. Apple showed it to us four days ago in a center for the arts in San Francisco. And, from where I’m standing, it looks rather promising.

Yes, at long last, 42 years years after he envisioned it, Alan Kay’s Dynabook has finally arrived. Welcome to the New World.

Other iPad-related articles Well Worth a Read:

Posted in Handhelds | 15 Comments

There’s A New Amiga On The Way…And It’s A Monster

When I was in college as a CS major I spent a great deal of time in the Sun lab. It was filled with, unsurprisingly, various Sun workstations (and even a few Tatung Sun clones). But over in the corner was something special: a MasPar fronted by a Vax. The MasPar is a massively parallel SIMD computer featuring a large number of CPU cores. The unit at Christopher Newport University, where I graduated, contained 1024 cross-linked cores in a toroid configuration (though the cabinet would accomodate 2^14 cores — 16,384). Who would’ve thought that in 2010 you could put a massively parallel system on your desk…in the form of an Amiga?

A-EON started teasing the Amiga community not long ago with hints at a forthcoming new workstation capable of running AmigaOS 4.1. Recently the company ended the torment and announced the AmigaOne X1000, named in tribute to the Amiga 1000, the first Amiga, which debuted 25 years ago in 1985.

While a number of post-Commodore machines capable of running AmigaOS have come and gone from the market — AmigaOne, Pegasos, SAMiga — A-EON’s forthcoming workstation is not just another moderately-powered PowerPC-based motherboard capable of running AmigaOS. It brings much more to the table.

What really set the original Amiga 1000 apart from the comparatively weak computers of the day, aside from its light-weight, multitasking operating system, was the set of custom chips that allowed the machine to deliver stunning graphics, full-screen animation, and high-quality, sampled, stereo audio — firsts, on all fronts. Today, every PC has “custom chips” driving their graphics and audio. Any modern Amiga utilizes such technologies as a matter of course. What sets the AmigaOne X1000 apart from the rest is its use of customizable co-processors.

A-EON’s forthcoming machine features a dual-core PowerPC on a custom motherboard known as “Nemo” (AmigaOS 4 is PowerPC-based) in a custom case featuring the classic Boing! ball, but that’s not so very interesting. Of far more note is the unit’s co-processor. The engineers at A-EON decided to utilize an XMOS Xcore processor, which they have dubbed “Xena,” in the design of this latest Amiga. As Wikipedia describes the device,

It is a 32-bit quad-core processor, where each core runs up to 8 concurrent threads. It was available as of Autumn 2008 running at 400 MHz. Each thread can run at up to 100 MHz; four threads follow each other through the pipeline, resulting in a top speed of 1.6 GIPS for four cores if 16 threads are running. The XS1-G4 is a distributed memory multi core processor, requiring the end user and compiler to deal with data distribution. When more than 4 threads execute, the 400 MIPS of each core is equally distributed over all active threads. This allows the use of extra threads in order to hide latency.

A single unit sounds rather interesting from an architectural standpoint, but given the parallel nature of this architecture, additional cores can be chained together to deliver phenomenal computing power — reference boards have chained together 256 cores, delivering a theoretical 102,400 MIPS. Chaining together more of these cores can be done by way of the AmigaOne X1000’s Xorro slot, a PCIe x8 form factor that provides access to Xena’s 64 programmable I/O lines.

The dual-core PowerPC (reference systems are being run at 1.6GHz, but the specific chip has net yet been revealed) already puts the AmigaOne X1000 far beyond any other Amiga — such as the SAM440ep-Flex that I picked up recently — in terms of performance, but it’s really the potential of Xena that makes this system exciting as well as notably more powerful, in theory, than today’s high-end Macs and PCs.

Specs of the AmigaOne X1000 as listed by A-EON:

  • ATX Formfactor
  • Dual-core PowerISA™ v2.04+ CPU
  • “Xena” XMOS XS1-L1 128 SDS
  • 7.1 channel HD audio
  • 4x DDR2 RAM slots
  • 10x USB 2.0
  • 1x Gigabit Ethernet
  • 2x PCIe x16 slots (1×16 or 2×8)
  • 2x PCIe x1 slots
  • 1x Xorro slot
  • 2x PCI legacy slots
  • 2x RS232
  • 4x SATA 2 connectors
  • 1x IDE connector
  • JTAG connector
  • 1x Compact Flash

The AmigaOne X1000 is set to arrive sometime before summer at a cost less than that of the original Amiga 1000 which, in ’80s dollars, retailed for $1295. (Developer units will be available prior to that at a higher price-point.) Will I be buying one? I might let the dev units pass me by but, given the fun I’ve had with my SAMiga running AmigaOS 4.1 even with the rather limited free time in my life, I can say: definitely. (After I get the Minimig core installed on my C-One, that will make the AmigaOne X1000 the sixth Amiga in my collection.)

What can I say? Only Amiga makes it possible! I can’t wait to get my hands on one.

Posted in Amiga | 15 Comments

The Soul of a New 16-bit Atari Micro [Updated]

Some of you out there have likely read Tracy Kidder’s Pulitzer Prize-winning book The Soul of a New Machine, an inside look at the experiences of a group of Data General engineers in creating a new minicomputer back in the ’70s. I only discovered this book, myself, four or five years ago. It’s an extremely enjoyable read that set me searching for similar, up-close looks at the creation stories of some of the microcomputers that I know and loved in my youth.

I’ve managed to find a few such titles that I’ve enjoyed greatly, including:

  • The Little Kingdom by Michael Moritz — An inside look at Apple in the early ’80s, very similar in style to Kidder’s work.
  • Steve Jobs & The NeXT Big Thing by Randall E. Stross — A look at Steve Jobs’ creation of NeXT Computer after his ousting from Apple in 1985. The book provides a detailed look at the company but, interestingly, was published in 1993, before NeXT took over Apple and NEXTSTEP became Mac OS X.
  • On The Edge: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of Commodore by Brian Bagnall — A behind-the-scenes look at the creation stories of Commodore computers, from the PET to the Amiga.
  • Dealers of Lightning: Xero PARC and the Dawn of the Computer Age by Michael A. Hiltzik — A close look at the creation of so many key computing technologies that sprang from a little research lab set in the hills of Palo Alto, back in the ’70s.
  • Revolution in the Valley: The Insanely Great Story of How the Mac Was Made by Andy Herzfeld — A series of short anecdotes that together provide an interesting look at how the Macintosh came to be.
  • Insanely Great: The Life and Times of Macintosh, the Computer That Changed Everything by Steven Levy — The author’s account of his first experiences with the prototype Macintosh and a look at its first 10 years.
  • The Ultimate History of Video Games: From Pong to Pokemon–The Story Behind the Craze That Touched Our Lives and Changed the World by Steven L. Kent — A rather detailed look at the pinball and early arcade and home console video game scene, and the companies behind it.
  • Revolutionaries at Sony by Reiji Asakura — The story that is the making of the Sony Playstation.

Some of these are out of print and required a little digging to get my hands on, but all are well worth a read. These books touch on many of the systems that I spent real time with over the years, but conspicuously absent is a look at the creation of the Atari ST, a machine with which I spent most of my free time during ’86 and ’87. I’ve never seen the saga of this fast-tracked, 16-bit Atari told in any detail. That is, until I ran across a series of posts on the unassuming blog of a man who was a member of the Atari ST design team.

Landon Dyer ended up working for Atari in the early ’80s thanks to entering an Atari-sponsored programming contest in which he submitted an assembly-based Centipede clone written on his Atari 400 hooked to a black and white TV. (The author of Atari’s “official” Centipede cartridge called Dyer’s version better than his own.) Flash forward a few years — Jack Tramiel buys Atari and Dyer finds himself one of the lucky few not laid off, and on the Atari ST team.

His two-part blog post gives some very nice details regarding just what was going on behind closed doors while the Atari ST was in the oven.

Before the ST hardware started to work, we had to use existing 68000-based systems for cross development. The graphics guys had Apple Lisas that were running CP/M-68K; the Lisas had nice bitmap displays which we used as “practice” STs. The disks on these machines took forever to come back after a crash (tens of minutes). For some reason the boot code on these machines had been written to display a bitmap of a fish. You’d hear a mutter or curse from down the hall (crash), then the creaky footsteps of someone walking around, cooling their heels and waiting for their “God damned” Lisa Profile drives to boot, then a triumphant yell “CarpDOS!” and typing sounds.

Don’t miss this very enjoyable read or Dyer’s blog, DadHacker (which has been online since mid-2002 (UPDATE: and, sadly, is online no more, checking in in 2024 – links updated to Wayback Machine), chocked full of excellent geek content. Hats off, Landon.

Links: The Atari ST (part 1), The Atari ST (part 2), How the Atari ST almost had Real Unix

Posted in Atari | 4 Comments

My Awesome ’80s Retro Swatch Watch

So, I got a new watch, and it’s pretty awesome.

The Swatch ‘A Thousand Crossings’ (SUIB 100) is the first Swatch I’ve worn in over 15 years. I saw it online and instantly fell in love with its powerful, glowing aura of the ’80s. It’s a great addition to my small collection of geek watches.

Can’t you just hear the Thompson Twins and Men Without Hats playing in the background?

Posted in Just Rambling | 3 Comments

Can A Computer Make You Cry?

I started life on a TI-99/4A. After a year or so I sold it and got what I considered my first “real” computer, the just-released Apple //c in the first half of 1984. (No offense to TI-99 aficionados intended.) In that time, the most compelling home computer game studio was Electronic Arts. Back then they spoke of their developers as “software artists” and produced a series of ads that depicted them as rockstars. Their game packaging even looked like an LP sleeve. I recall those ads well and they fed into the mythos that was the Electronic Arts game studio. I had so much fun with Archon, Pinball Construction Set, Music Construction Set, and Seven Cities of Gold in those days it’s silly.

I recall the ads in magazines of the time. EA was such a great force in the home computing scene back then. Neil Young of major iPhone game studio ngmoco often speaks of those heady days of garage programmers and true, indie, creative gamemaking.

Three or four years ago I decided I really wanted to grab one of the EA rockstar / “We See Farther” / “Can a video game make you cry” ad posters for the wall of my own personal Byte Cellar. I looked high and low for quite a while, but found none. Until, one day, I learned that a regular on the Macintosh IRC channel I’ve frequented for the last 11 years had just such a poster. I attempted to purchase it from him repeatedly, but he never wanted to sell.

Until recently.

Thankfully, he was willing to part with the poster. I jumped at the chance. The poster came as a fold-out in the November 1983 issue of Electronic Fun with Computers and Games magazine. He sent me the poster and the magazine it came with.

I was quite happy to finally have acquired said poster and was quick to get it framed and hung on the wall. It was several weeks before I took a look at the included magazine, however. But the magazine, it turns out, might be the biggest treasure of all.

I mentioned that I started out on the TI-99/4A. It was my first computer and the one on which I learned BASIC. I used to buy this or that computer magazine at random, hoping to find a TI-99 game to type in and play. I was 11, way back when.

One day I bought this magazine that had a pretty solid side-view shooter involving aircraft and an aircraft carrier. It was known as Pearl Harbor by Jerry Hunter. I was quick to type it in, save it on tape, and spend hours enjoying its arcade action. Good times, way back when.

Imagine my surprise when I began thumbing through the pages of the magazine sent to me by this IRC pal and recognizing articles and advertisements. And right there, at the end, was the program listing for Pearl Harbor. This is that magazine — the only issue of that particular magazine that I ever purchased — which contained the game I so enjoyed in my meager, early days of computing, back when typing it in was half the fun. [ Update: In October 2017 I made a post with far more detail about Pearl Harbor — I even contacted the author for a chat! ]

I paid dearly for said magazine and poster, but feel it was well worth it. I consider the pair to be one of my most precious retro finds. It seems it’s all about getting back to those golden days. Here, it seems, I struck a goldmine of nostalgic bliss.

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