I purchased what I believe to be the first Amiga sold in the state of Virginia back in October 1985. To say there was a dearth of software for the platform at that time is an understatement. I ultimately sold the unit in March or April 1986 for that very reason. Well, that was part of it. At any rate, I had it for a brief time and the best game I played (and solved) on it, amazingly, was Infocom’s Wishbringer by Brian Moriarty. Yes, a text adventure. How ironic, but I loved the game.
I’ve been trying to think of new and interesting evening entertainment for my wife and me after our daughter goes to sleep, and it occurred to me that text adventures by laptop on the couch might be fun. My wife and I are both Sherlock Holmes fans and so Infocom’s Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels seemed like a natural as did, of course, Wishbringer.
I think it will be a lot of fun. I’ll let you know how it goes.
hah I used to be addicted to infocom txt based games. I think I beat wishbringer on my c64, brings back that 80’s nostalgia.
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