WipEout Collection

Apparently I really like WipEout. I posted a pic of my computer room on Amiga.org and a reader saw, in the foreground, the original “long box” of WipEout for the Playstation. He wrote to tell me it’s very rare. Is it? At any rate, it prompted me to take a photo of my wipE’out” collection. Enjoy.

I do hold a special place for the game. I was very anti-console in the 80’s and early 90’s. Back in ’96 a friend told me to stop by and checkout his new Playstation and this great 3D racing game. I had never used a Playstation before. He fired up WipEout and literally before five seconds had passed, I knew I would be purchasing a Playstation and that game as soon as was humanly possible. I was stunned. 15 hours and one trip to Circuit City later, I was playing in front of my own TV. (I still have and use that original Playstation, which I have since mod’ed.)

Coincidentally, the latest issue (#35) of Retro Gamer magazine features the article, “The Making of: Wipeout.” A good read. (And, for the love of God, subscribe to that excellent mag!)

UPDATE [3.14.2007]: It was eating at me, the lack of Wipeout XL for the Playstation, so I eBayed a copy and retook the collection picture. Now at least one version of every WipEout title, other than the Europe/Australasia-only Wipeout 3: Special Edition, is represented.

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5 Responses to WipEout Collection

  1. CDoty says:

    Nice TI-99/4A (in another shot)! Does the expansion module work?

  2. blakespot says:

    Yes, the whole TI-99/4A system works rather well. Thanks for stopping by.

    my TI-99/4A gallery:


  3. Yome NetSan says:


    As a french WipEout fan, I stepped on your psot searching for wipEout long box infos.

    You talk about the #35 issue of Retro Gamer Magazine and the making of wipEout that’s interrests me highly !

    Unfortunatly, the #35 isn’t available anymore at the mag’s shop…

    Would you scan me the article for me to read it ?

    That would be great !

    Thanks for you help !

  4. Pingback: So Long, and Thanks for All the Games | Byte Cellar

  5. Pingback: A Few Words About "The Wipeout Ship" in No Man's Sky - NMSspot

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