Back in April I made a post regarding the Uthernet card, Ethernet for the Apple II. As I indicated, I laid down my $89 and ordered one as soon as I learned that a2RetroSystems was selling a new batch. It promptly arrived and I promptly threw it into my Apple IIgs. Let me tell you about it.
The hardware install was rather straightforward; I just dropped the card into slot 2. As for the software, I wrote out an image of Contiki and also installed the Marinetti TCP/IP stack for GS/OS. To my surprise, Contiki provides a much more full-featured web suite than Marinetti and the available GS/OS Internet apps I’ve been able to find, which I find to be an unfortunate situation as I’d hoped to use the graphical WIMP interface of GS/OS for most of my IIgs net activity as opposed to the text-based interface of Contiki. Perhaps this will change down the road. (Any suggestions on useful GS/OS web apps would be most appreciated.)
So far I’ve browed the web, chatted on IRC, performed various FTP operations, and fiddled with tenet on the IIgs using Contiki. The most valuable of these functions to me is FTP, as it was always a massive hassle to get an Apple II disk image downloaded from the net my Mac Pro to the IIgs–my previous drill had me routing the image through my Mac Plus. Now it’s cake. As well, It’s great fun to mess around on the net in general using the IIgs.
My $89 was definitely well spent. I had, for some time, contemplated the purchase of a LANceGS Ethernet card which debuted a few years earlier than the Uthernet, but its higher price always kept me from making the leap. It’s great to have found a route to Ethernet on my IIgs for under $100.

Have a look at my IIgs photo gallery and get a look at the Uthernet board. Thanks a2RetroSystems. This is what retro computing is all about.
it’s the first time I comment, but I’m a long-time Bytecellar reader. I was amazed whenever you posted your successes in connecting an Apple //c, an eMate and an Epson PX-8 as dumb terminals for Mac OS X. And in general I happily check your website for information and inspiration. I think it’s one of the best retrocomputing-related blogs around (not to mention your gorgeous flickr galleries).
I’m a bit of a retro-collector myself, I own 12 macs of various vintages, I take care of a Cambridge Z88 donated by a good friend of mine, I own Newtons and an eMate. And — like you — I try to put these old guys to good use, trying not to neglect them or let them gather dust.
I also have an Apple IIGS. It was given to me for free (yay) but it’s only the main unit (boo). I fortunately could connect an ADB keyboard and mouse but I haven’t had any luck with a monitor. I have a 14-inch “Macintosh Color Display” but it doesn’t work. Do you know if there’s some kind of video adapter or similar workaround to connect my IIGS to this monitor? I would look on eBay for its original monitor but I’m afraid I’d spend a fortune in shipping costs! Those monitors used to weigh a ton.
Sorry for the length and thank you in advance for whatever advice you could share.
Apple RGB monitors pop up from time to time on eBay. Your best bet is to check your local thrift stores / Goodwill.
The other option (if you want to use a VGA display) is to track down a SecondSight VGA card, produced in the early 90’s. It’s not a 100% perfect solution, but it’s the only option at this time.
… I can’t help but notice the other red hardware in that IIgs..
Some of which are available again at
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Hello, another Way To connect an Apple IIgs is to use a Scart câble, then to connect it to a Scart to HDMI adapter, then to a HDMI TV. It. World Wells. Olivier.
Where can we get the Uthernet 2 drivers for Contiki?